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Hong Kong Airport

25 April 2019

Only one airport photo

Killing time before heading to Hong Kong airport

I am at the airport. It is time to go home.
I am only taking one photo of the airport, and that is because it is of the mountain I climbed yesterday as seen from the airport.

Right now I am sitting in the Hong Kong Airlines lounge, an airline that is about to go broke. Various board members have taken out legal injunctions on other board members to stop them from entering any office related to the airline. They have run out of money. I am not flying with them today, I did earlier on this trip, but I am flying with them to Japan in November, assuming they are sold by then or the Chinese parent company that also owns more of Virgin than anyone else buys the rest of the company and pays off their debts. That is enough boardroom news.

Here in the airline lounge, the sun is ridiculously bright, so the photos I took today I cannot even really see on my screen, I just hit auto in lightroom and hoped for the best.

This morning I did not do much in Hong Kong, just wandered around the city, stepping into the heat, then back into the air conditioning of a mall, then I had a black sesame and maple latte, then I repeated all of the above. I found out that I can use the in-city check in, which is convenient, and that meant I could go to the airport a little earlier, where I now am.

I only just managed to get to 800 photos on this trip, recent trips of the same length were a thousand or more. Like I said previously, I blame the weather.
I went to 2.5 countries on this trip, Korea (South), Hong Kong (part of China) and mainland China. I think I easily enjoyed the Korea part the most, better hiking, cooler weather. Hong Kong second, because it was not raining as much, and Guangzhou a distant third, due to non stop kill you dead rain and storms and lack of things to climb.

So thats that. I will be back in November for another month of doing the same stuff in Japan. Until then, heres a few more pics of Hong Kong.

Hong Kong-Airport - My early morning walk around Hong Kong was a battle with everyone out delivering stuff. By far the most space was taken up by water. Every building se

My early morning walk around Hong Kong was a battle with everyone out delivering stuff. By far the most space was taken up by water. Every building seems to get a gigalitre of water delivered daily by men without shirts. The Bottles need to be redesigned though, notice how they have to put them inside a square plastic frame so they can stack them on the truck?

Hong Kong-Airport - Here are some tall buildings. In the foreground is a building that you are not allowed near. Do not stand on the grass signs, and do not linger signs.

Here are some tall buildings. In the foreground is a building that you are not allowed near. Do not stand on the grass signs, and do not linger signs. I do not know what this building is.

Hong Kong-Airport - The Lippo centre buildings do not look real.

The Lippo centre buildings do not look real.

Hong Kong-Airport - I did not go to Macau on this trip, apparently despite the new bridge being in operation, most people are still taking the ferries.

I did not go to Macau on this trip, apparently despite the new bridge being in operation, most people are still taking the ferries.

Hong Kong-Airport - Just one of many malls I stepped into so that the sweat dripping off me might subside briefly. This one was the IFC mall. $15 for a thimble full of co

Just one of many malls I stepped into so that the sweat dripping off me might subside briefly. This one was the IFC mall. $15 for a thimble full of coffee there.

Hong Kong-Airport - You can get out onto the roof of the IFC mall, here is the view.

You can get out onto the roof of the IFC mall, here is the view.

Hong Kong-Airport - And in the midday sun on the roof, no one but me! This is really a rooftop garden. I ran a few laps nude. Every trip I make mention at some point that

And in the midday sun on the roof, no one but me! This is really a rooftop garden. I ran a few laps nude. Every trip I make mention at some point that I ran a few nude laps of something. Interesting.

Hong Kong-Airport - And here is one last photo of a typical Hong Kong street, featuring guy with delivery trolley. All the guys pushing these aim them at my shins.

And here is one last photo of a typical Hong Kong street, featuring guy with delivery trolley. All the guys pushing these aim them at my shins.

Hong Kong-Airport - Last pic of this trip! The peak on the left is the one I climbed up and over yesterday. When I come back next time, I will do the one on the right.

Last pic of this trip! The peak on the left is the one I climbed up and over yesterday. When I come back next time, I will do the one on the right.

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